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How PukkaTeam does announcements

How PukkaTeam does announcements

Today we had an outage, and we thought we’d be open and honest about it by sharing what happened with all our members. We found out that PukkaTeam was down, and this is why…*gulp*

[Corporate msg]: As many of you know, our website had some down time recently.
[Developer msg]: Oh H-E-double hockey sticks!! Our SSL certificate expired over the weekend.

[Corporate msg]: This meant that you weren’t able to access the PukkaTeam application.
[Developer Msg]: Ploppers! Everyone will be getting in-your-face warnings about using the website from their web browser.

Credits: Giphy

[Corporate msg]: We’re very sorry that this happened, and that we’ve inconvenienced many of our weekend workers (and early Monday morning risers).
[Developer msg]: We’re nothing like the UK NHS who just got hacked, no data was in danger we missed the renewal date like a plonker. And although we want to hide our face in shame, we think honesty is always the best policy.

[Corporate msg]: We’ve taken the necessary precautions to ensure that this matter does not re-occur in the future.
[Developer msg]: We’ve done what we should of done to begin with…we’ve now switched to an auto-renewing SSL!

have done that.

[Corporate msg]: Thank you for your patience while we resolved the problem.
[Developer msg]: Hands up, we were playing Pandemic Legacy over the weekend, and missed the notification.We’re sorry and it won’t happen again! Thanks for remembering we’re in beta :)

make you happy.
Credits: Giphy

Sorry again for any inconvenience caused and for your patience while we sorted the issue :)

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